It’s Time to Play The Road Trip Gas Game

It’s Time to Play The Road Trip Gas Game

How many miles can we cover with $680?

Do you want to play along in the ‘gas game’?

Mark’s Ford colleagues threw him a wonderful send-off party at a local Michigan brewpub, Supernatural Brewing. A portion of his parting gift is a $680 Pilot Gas Card (!!!) with a request to provide updates on how many miles we can cover with this kind of cash! We are in awe of the generosity of the team and we are ready to play the road trip gas game!

Feel free to play by adding a comment on how many (total) miles you think we will travel on $680! For reference, the Revel runs on diesel fuel, has a 24.5 gallon capacity, and achieves 16-18 mpg on the highway. You can review our ‘shell of a plan’ in our Road Trip post to help with assumptions on terrain and weather to make an educated guess!

We begin our epic road trip in 9 short days! Our first stop is in Chicagoland before heading north to Minnesota. I will update this blog entry to include gas stops (and fun pictures of Mark) until the card is depleted.

Remember to log your mileage guess using the comments below! Have a great day!

August 24, 2021

Our travels to date

We have been so busy enjoying Minnesota that I have neglected to provide an update to our gas game! Above is a map of our travels as of this morning.

Hank, the van, had 7,008 miles on his odometer when we left our Canton home 10 days ago. At today’s gas stop in Northfield, MN, the odometer read 8,346 miles. A total distance traveled of 1,338 miles!

And the total amount spent on gas to date (drum roll …) is $296.70!

The average price per gallon is $3.21 and we are averaging 15.9 miles per gallon. It’s not too late to make a guess on how far we can travel on $680!

I will provide another update soon. For now, here is a picture of Mark (AKA ‘Perma-grin’)! 😁

August 29, 2021

Travels through August 29, 2021

Hi friends – hope you are having a great week! Above is a map of our travels as of this morning.

At today’s gas stop in Gillette, WY, the odometer read 9,319 miles. A total distance traveled of 2,311 miles!

And the total amount spent on gas to date is $532.59!

September 13, 2021

Hi friends! We are have officially utilized our $680 Pilot Gas Card! I can’t express enough gratitude for this generous gift! It has been fun to track our mileage as we travel across this beautiful country.

We hit the $680 mark on September 1st in Pinedale, Wyoming after traveling 2,984 miles! Congratulations to Molly Dunford, who guessed the closest at 2,896 miles! That’s impressive!

As of today, the odometer reads 10,516 – a total distance travelled of 3,508 miles! To date, we have spent $810.28 on diesel fuel!

I will continue to track (and share) our mileage for the duration of ‘Leg 1’ of our road trip adventure!

We look forward to reading your comments! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!

October 5, 2021

We hit a couple of milestones over the weekend that prompted an update to this post! The odometer in the van rolled over 12,000 miles and we have covered 5,000 miles on our road trip! To date, we have spent $1,115.89 on gas (including use of our Pilot gas card). We plan to spend the month of October exploring Utah before heading further south for the winter months.

We look forward to your comments and appreciate your support of our epic adventure! Have a great day!

November 21, 2021

It’s been quite a while since I have posted an update on our Gas Game! Last week, we hit 9,000 miles on our road trip! We have visited 11 states, 17 National Parks, 6 National Monuments and the World’s Only Corn Palace! To date, we have spent $2,237.03 on gas (including use of our Pilot gas card). We plan to spend time with family over the holidays before wintering in the Sunshine State!

Our Travel Path October – present

9 thoughts on “It’s Time to Play The Road Trip Gas Game

  1. I think you’ll go 2,896 miles on your gas card! What a wonderful gift! Happy trails to you!🚵☀️🥰

  2. I was thinking about the this on the way home last week and figured it out in my head…I thought about 3500 mi.
    Upon more careful consideration my official guess will be 3152 miles…
    I hope all those miles are happy and safe. Dad
    Paul D.

    1. Well, your ‘prize’ would be to hang out with unshowered hikers and eat dinner near a van overlooking a lake …. that’s the best I have to offer right now! 🤣

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