Mark and Debbie’s Road Trip Adventure

Mark and Debbie’s Road Trip Adventure

After several years of planning and dreaming, we are embarking on our biggest adventure ever while we are still young(ish)! Mark and I will use this blog space to document our travels around the United States in our converted van, Hank. Our plan is to backpack in several U.S. National Parks while checking off as many ‘Diners, Drive Ins and Dives‘ as our stomachs can handle! We don’t have a defined timeline or set itinerary; however, our journey begins in Minnesota in August 2021. From there, we will head west to Wyoming, explore Utah and drive east across the southern states to enjoy Florida’s winter. The next leg of our journey will be determined while sipping margaritas on the gulf shore of the sunshine state!

Lucky for us, many of you share our love for travel, fun times and good friends! We will continue to share our ‘shell of a plan’ and when our travel plans converge, then we can meet to backpack, sightsee or simply enjoy a cold beer at a local brewery. Furthermore, there is a strong possibility that we will be at your doorstep asking to borrow a couch and shower! All this being said, we will not be strangers and would love to see you during our trip!

Until we meet again, you can follow our road trip adventure by subscribing to our blog via email (using the ‘subscribe’ box on the right of this screen). The Home page will display our recent posts and the Adventure Map will show our marked locations. Additionally, we welcome your comments and you can contact us via email at

At some point, in a future post, I may delve into the steps we took to make our dream a reality. Spoiler alert: Find every little way to maintain a comfortable budget, invest what you can and live a simple lifestyle. More to come on this topic! For now, we celebrate and prepare for our life-changing road trip adventure!

Please comment below with your thoughts on our plans and blog! Thanks for reading and have a great day!


One thought on “Mark and Debbie’s Road Trip Adventure

  1. Hope I get to see you in Utah! Or any other state shopping the way. 💕

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